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Yoga Moves To Improve Shoulder Flexibility

Yoga Moves To Improve Shoulder Flexibility

Shoulder mobility is vital to everyday life as well as high-impact activities like climbing and cycling. Yoga moves can help increase shoulder flexibility by stretching and mobilizing its joint, providing stability while protecting rotator cuffs.

Take long, deep breaths as you slowly and deliberately move your shoulders back and away from your ears, slowly moving them upward and outward to relieve tension on the shoulder joint and increase synovial fluid circulation around it. This movement also helps relieve shoulder joint stiffness while increasing synovial fluid circulation around the joint capsules.

Shoulder Circle

Yoga exercises like this one can be one of the best ways to increase shoulder flexibility. By engaging in circular motion, this simple yoga exercise works to loosen joints and muscles in the area, alleviating pain and stiffness over time while strengthening surrounding muscles to prevent further tightness or injuries.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Engage your core, then slowly rotate your shoulders in circular motion both forwards and backwards – try making circles approximately one foot wide! Complete several sets of shoulder circles until the movements feel natural; if any discomfort arises take a break before returning to this exercise.

As another way to increase shoulder flexibility, practicing a chest opener like this yoga pose can also help:

Start on all fours, then raise the right arm into a T shape at 90 degrees to your body with palm down. Roll onto left hip, shoulder and ear before pressing left hand into mat or pulling behind head if possible for deeper stretch if it feels comfortable. Hold this pose for five deep breaths then switch arms and repeat on other side.

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Side-lying Thoracic Rotation

The shoulder joint is one of the most intricate in your body and requires great mobility and flexibility. Unfortunately, it is one of the most frequently injured joints; especially if you spend much of your day working at a desk or playing sports requiring overhead motions such as tennis. Overusing and overstretching these shoulders may lead to stiffness or irritation that leads to problems down the line.

The Side-lying Thoracic Rotation is a yoga move designed to increase thoracic spine rotational flexibility, which in turn can reduce back pain and improve posture. It is also an effective warm up for any athletic activity involving dynamic thoracic spine rotation such as swimming, baseball, softball, tennis or golf that involves dynamic spine rotators movements such as swimming.

Start by lying on a floor mat or soft surface, with a pillow or cushion under your head to support it. Place one arm under each hip with the other arm resting against the ground behind for support; using your elbow as a guide, slowly rotate away from the ground using your upper body rotation technique until holding for several breaths then return back into starting position.

This pose stretches the chest, lats, shoulders and triceps. Additionally, this pose allows for external rotation of the shoulder which is beneficial in helping prevent rotator cuff injuries.

Rotating your shoulders in this manner will also help regulate synovial fluid, providing healthy lubrication to your shoulder joints and cartilage. This can be particularly useful for competitive weightlifters who must lubricate their joints when lifting heavy objects over their heads. It’s an easy stretch you can add to any workout regimen and will quickly improve your shoulders!

Shoulder Roll

Tight shoulders can contribute to poor posture and difficulty breathing, so shoulder openers like this one are key in relieving tension and relieving stress in muscles, tendons and joints around the shoulder area. Warming up and stretching out shoulders helps relieve pain while improving circulation in this joint while improving blood flow throughout it.

From either a standing or seated position, shrug your shoulders up toward your ears and slowly roll them back and down in an involuntary motion. Be sure not to over-shrug or force too far forward into pain zones – moving slowly and gently is advised in cases of shoulder issues or any potential rotator cuff issues.

As you roll your shoulders, squeeze your upper back and core muscles to maintain spinal strength and stability as you return back to the neutral starting point. This exercise also works chest muscles; those with limited shoulder range of motion may benefit from half shoulder rolls (shrug shoulders back before relaxing again and repeat).

Yoga not only relieves muscle tension and increases circulation in the shoulder joints and bones, but it can also promote the circulation of synovial fluid lubricating cartilage, joint capsules, and acting as a shock absorber for impact to the shoulder complex. Yoga’s benefits may also help protect shoulders during high impact activities like weightlifting or volleyball; especially beneficial for competitive weightlifters or athletes who can develop shoulder injuries due to repetitive overhead lifting movements.


Shoulder tightness can lead to poor posture and an slouchy upper body, which isn’t good for your back or neck. Furthermore, breathing deeply becomes harder. Therefore it’s crucial that we practice shoulder openers like Pendulum that stretch the rotator cuffs and shoulder blades to relieve tightness – this pose being particularly helpful for weightlifters who use yoga as part of their strength-and-flexibility regimen.

Start by lying back with feet slightly wider than hip width apart, so the fingers of both hands can touch along the mat near your sit bones. If they cannot do this, interlace them behind your back as an alternative solution. On an inhale, lift back and shoulders off mat; feel a good stretch through shoulders as well as an opening in chest; hold for 3-5 deep breaths and relax!

This stretch is an age-old classic and can be especially helpful if you have difficulty breathing when sitting or hunching forward during the day. Additionally, it will get blood flowing to both shoulders and chest to relieve stress.

McKenna describes Eagle arms as an effective shoulder stretch, particularly useful after an extended day of sitting down or hunching over. You can do this as either a stand-alone stretch or incorporate it into your yoga sequence; start in Tabletop position before reaching back behind to clasp hands together in prayer-style pose, holding for several breaths before opening up chest and spreading arms forward again – this pose helps release tension in shoulders, neck and jaw while simultaneously loosening grip of deltoids and triceps muscles.

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Arm Swings

Shoulder joints are supported by an intricate network of muscles that work to keep them stable and prevent them from moving too much in any one direction or too far in another, helping prevent injuries like rotator cuff tears. Shoulder mobility exercises strengthen these muscles to strengthen stability around joints; doing so allows yoga poses to move more freely without risking injury.

Attributed to overwork, injuries or sitting too long hunched over screens, neck and back pain are an unfortunate reality for many. But with regular stretching and strengthening exercises you can help counteract their effects on modern living – and thus alleviate these discomforts.

With the right techniques, yoga can help to increase shoulder mobility and alleviate any associated aches and pains from work or other physical activities. Simply adding these stretches into your yoga practice could make an immense difference to your shoulder mobility.

Start by finding a comfortable stance and breathing naturally, before taking several deep breaths while inhaling to sweep arms up and back crunching shoulder blades together, then exhaling to take arms down making windmill-like rotations. Repeat this pattern for several sets and gradually increase speed of arm rotations until fully warmed up. 

These exercises can be performed while sitting or standing and can help improve shoulder mobility so as to increase yoga poses while simultaneously improving your overall posture – potentially decreasing risk of injury in daily life! To access thousands of online yoga classes from home, sign up with Omstars Yoga subscription now – click here and learn more!


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