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Gym Workout Routines For Men For Beginners

Gym Workout Routines For Men For Beginners

An effective gym workout plan can make a positive difference in many aspects of your fitness journey, from increasing strength and endurance, to building muscle mass.

Lysandar, the Personal Trainer from PureGym Calcot has designed this beginner gym workout plan specifically tailored to men. Each of the workouts was carefully chosen so as to include plenty of frequency, recovery time and low volume exercises.

Strength Training

A good beginner strength program should include exercises that target all major muscle groups. Beginner workouts usually start with lower weights and more repetitions, before increasing them as you gain strength.

Beginners can aim to do three to four strength training sessions a week, twice a week for each muscle group. Rest between sessions. Session length should be an hour long and include 5-10 minutes easy cardio or dynamic stretches before several sets with moderate weights and high reps for each muscle.

This sample beginner workout focuses on basic compound movements that form the basis for most successful weight-training programs and is intended to produce optimal results for beginners. Key features of this program include full-body training split, adequate frequency and recovery periods between sets, as well as low volume (that is, less sets performed at one time).

In week three of this beginner workout program, a two-day training split is introduced that covers chest, back, biceps and shoulders on one day, then all limb muscles (shoulders, triceps arms and legs) on another. You will also increase set counts per muscle group – adding one extra set per exercise (such as performing six sets of dumbbell biceps curls compared to three for bench presses).

For beginners who want to strengthen their triceps, grab two resistance bands in both hands. Stand at an anatomically-correct angle with your torso, then pull your elbows down until they touch your body. Repeat this for 8-12 reps. In an ideal world, this exercise should be done along with chest and shoulder workouts on day 1 of every week’s split; consistent training practices are the cornerstone of muscle gain!

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Cardio workouts can be an excellent addition to a gym routine for beginners, as they increase oxygen flow to the brain, heart, and other tissues of your body. Doing cardio three or four times each week at moderate intensity is plenty for newcomers without incurring additional benefits. 

However, it is essential that as a novice you take it slowly with regard to exercising time – an hour per session may suffice as enough of a benefit is gained without spending longer on this form of physical activity than necessary.

There are various forms of cardio exercise, but the most beneficial are those you enjoy doing on an ongoing basis. Some exercises, like swimming or cycling workouts, require specific equipment; other forms such as aerobic dance or kickboxing classes must be attended in a group class setting; but walking and jogging are both activities which provide cardiovascular exercise without needing special equipment or classes.

Aerobic exercise not only has physical advantages, but can also boost your mood and sleep quality as well as reduce stress levels. Furthermore, cardio can also lower heart disease risk by improving cardiovascular health, increasing circulation while decreasing inflammation in your fatty tissue that could otherwise lead to insulin resistance and subsequent diabetes development.

Cardio workouts that work will engage large muscle groups like those found in legs, chest, and back. Furthermore, this form of exercise should be rhythmic and repetitive for maximum benefit and to maximize weight loss. Not only will this type of cardio help boost metabolism while simultaneously decreasing toxins in your body while increasing energy levels!

Starting out in the gym can be daunting for beginners; having a plan will help ease this anxiety while tracking your progress in the gym. Knowing what to expect each day will make your sessions smoother, be more consistent, and lead to greater muscle growth over time. Plus, sticking with gym training is key for any successful fitness goal!


Flexibility is a cornerstone of fitness. It enables joints to move through their full range of motion without restriction and reduces injury risk, improves posture, and helps you carry out daily tasks more easily – but often goes neglected due to being perceived as less essential than cardio or strength training.

Flexibility first became recognized as an element of fitness during the early 1900s with the rise of physical and occupational therapy professions, schools for preparing therapists, and increasing public concerns over back pain from work and recreation activities. 

By 1980, AAHPERD published their inaugural health-related fitness test battery incorporating flexibility measures (sit-and-reach). Since then many other U.S. and international fitness test batteries have included such measures as well.

Research on the relationship between flexibility and health outcomes is both inconsistent and of poor quality, failing to control for variables which might influence this correlation.

Despite these challenges, there is evidence of how flexibility may positively impact health outcomes. According to various studies, flexibility has been linked with reduced back pain, improved sports performance and fewer injuries; furthermore there may also be evidence that flexibility training could help treat or prevent chronic conditions like low back and neck pain.

Building true flexibility requires more than simply stretching before and after exercise; it involves a targeted program designed to optimize movement patterns specific to each client or athlete’s needs and limitations. When considering true flexibility training programs for clients or athletes, target programs must emphasize length, speed, intensity of movement patterns in accordance with individual’s needs and limitations.

As part of your regular workouts, the key to developing and implementing an adaptable fitness plan is incorporating it early on. Start by setting fitness goals – this will help determine how often and which types of exercises will be most effective – then stick with your plan so you get maximum benefit out of every visit to the gym and investment in yourself.

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Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help you achieve all three. The workouts use short bursts of high intensity exercise alternating with lower intensity activity to burn more calories during and post workout, giving your metabolism an additional boost.

HIIT can not only burn more calories, but it can also boost endurance by teaching your body how to sustain long bouts of intense exercise according to a 2016 PLoS One study. This allows muscles to use oxygen more efficiently which increases cardiovascular endurance for extended duration as well as increasing anaerobic reps like sprinting or hill repeats.

HIIT can be done quickly and conveniently in just a few minutes, making it the ideal addition to any gym workout routine for men just starting out. 

As an example: start off by warming up with 15 minutes of jogging, followed by three three-minute work intervals that push your heart rate close to 90% of its maximum heart rate for three or four times before taking three minutes active recovery between intervals before repeating this pattern three or four more times before finishing off with a 10-minute cool down period.

Once you become more proficient with gym techniques, you can introduce more complex moves and higher intensity exercises into your workouts to achieve real muscle and strength gains instead of simply getting your heart rate up. 

For example, switching up training splits could mean hitting all “pushing” muscle groups on day 1, followed by all pulling bodyparts (back, biceps) and abs on day 2.

Lift heavier weights and exercise your muscles until the point of failure for maximum muscle gains.


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